iPhone Photography School: Take Amazing Selfies With Your Kids!

Capture the precious moments with your kids by joining our iPhone Photography School and start taking better selfies today!

A toddler girl claps and laughs while playing in a colorful flower garden thanks to iPhone Photography School

One of the biggest struggles of being a mom is realizing how few pictures there are with you and your kiddo. During outings, moms tend to be the ones snapping the most pictures so they can frame the moments for later. Unfortunately, that means you’re typically on the opposite side of the lens. If you’re tired of being left out of the most crucial moments, you may want to start taking more selfies! As an Orange County photographer, I love working with parents to teach them how to get the most out of their iPhone cameras so they can take better pictures that will last for years. If you want to learn more about how to take better selfies with your kids, I would love to give you some tips to help you out with my iPhone Photography School

Our iPhone Photography School Will Teach You How to Take Amazing Selfies With Your Kids!

And just a quick note, it can be hard to not feel self-conscious when you take a picture of yourself. I get it. It’s a natural reaction! But trust me, years from now, you’re not going to care about your unmade face or your messy hair. What you’ll treasure most are the memories you made with your child. Don’t wait until things are picture-perfect to snap some portraits! With that said, here are my best tips for taking gorgeous selfies with your family from my iPhone Photography School!

Get Down to Their Level

While you might think your child is growing too fast, they’re still not growing fast enough to magically be at the right height for your pictures. The very first thing you learn in iPhone Photography School is you want to get down to their level. Put this week’s leg day to some good use and squat down by their side! Not only does this allow you to view the world from their level, but it also allows them to be way more comfortable. They can move around all they need so that they aren’t straining. You are able to get much closer with them so that you’re both perfectly in the shot. 

Plus, you have the ability to control more of the picture. You can move your arm as needed to zoom out to get the background or move in closer to get all the details of your child’s face. By getting down to your child’s level, you will be left with a more organic portrait.

A young girl in a red dress laughs and plays in a matching flower garden thanks to iPhone Photography School

Utilize the Light

Yes, the flash might be a fantastic tool for capturing low-light situations, but it doesn’t exactly give you flattering images. We teach in our iPhone Photography School to turn off the flash button before you take your selfies. Instead, look for the natural light. You never want to have the light directly on you but instead want to find ways to diffuse it. It’s why photographers are constantly talking about the golden hour. This is the time when the sun is going down beneath the horizon rather than being overhead. If you’re outside, angle yourselves so that the sun is behind you so that the light can more evenly diffuse. If you are inside, windows will do the same trick. Take your selfie with your window to the side so you can take full advantage of the natural light. If it’s too harsh, you can always use a sheer curtain.

Get Multiple Angles

It is okay to take as many pictures as possible when you go to take a selfie. In fact, that’s one of the best moves you can make! Don’t be afraid to move around while you’re taking your picture. You can adjust to try to get the lighting just right. Move your arm around as needed. Try one right on their level, and try one slightly angled from above. Get creative with things! If you are outside enjoying a picnic, take a few lying down on the blanket with the camera directly overhead. By taking pictures with multiple angles, you’re not necessarily working to make yourselves look picture-perfect. Rather, you are exploring the different things that work. Then, once you get home, you’ll have plenty of options to choose from!

Have a Great Background

One of the best ways to improve your selfies is by finding backdrops that are positively stunning. Through iPhone Photography School, you can learn to pick the best backdrop for your photos! This is easy to do when you’re traveling and exploring some pretty iconic landmarks. It can be a little trickier, however, when you’re out in your normal spots. This is your chance to celebrate all the places that make your life a little happier! Maybe you want to include the coffee shop where you get special drinks together or show off your favorite walking path. Try to focus on creating a backdrop that is compelling without taking too much away from your subject matter. 

If you’re having a hard time trying to find a background that isn’t too chaotic, you can slide your phone over to portrait mode. This smart feature will automatically focus on your face while blurring the background. That way, you can capture the moment without all the surrounding noise around you.

A smiling young girl in a pink dress sits laughing in a flower garden

Focus on Real Emotion

One of my biggest tips for parents is to use your pictures to tell a story. Most likely, there’s a reason why you want to capture this moment specifically. Show the world why. The best way you can do this is to be as candid as possible. Instead of focusing on a stiff pose, consider asking your child to give hugs. If you are having a hard time getting them to smile, tell them a joke and take the picture right as they start to laugh. Give them a kiss or tickle their sides. And don’t be afraid to let your child be themselves! The thing you love most about your child is their unique personality. Let them show it off by being goofy or sticking out their tongue. Chances are, those candid, laidback portraits are the ones you’re going to love the most! 

For More Great Tips, Check Out Momographers, Our iPhone Photography School!

Years from now, you’re going to wish you had more pictures with you and your child. Make it happen by taking more selfies with your kiddo! So be sure to become the photographer of your dreams with some lessons from our iPhone Photography School, Momographers!

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