Master iPhone Photography and Avoid 7 These Common Mistakes!

Unlock the full potential of your iPhone for photography. Learn how to avoid common iPhone photography mistakes and capture stunning images.

Side by side iPhone Photography images of a young boy in an R2D2 Mickey ears hat with different editing

Getting started in photography can be one of the most rewarding experiences. However, when you don’t know what to look for, it can be pretty frustrating. Normally, when that happens, you can’t stop comparing your pictures to the experts' and wondering what you’re doing wrong. The truth is that your iPhone has most of the capabilities of professional gear. You just need to know how to use it! As photographers, we adore working with parents to help them figure out how to improve the quality of their phone pictures so they can have gorgeous pictures at any time. If you could use a little bit of help figuring out what sets professional portraits apart, we would love to tell you about the most common iPhone photography mistakes so you can instantly improve your pics. 

7 Common iPhone Photography Mistakes to Avoid for Better Photos of Kids

Dirty Camera

Sometimes, fixing your photography is just a quick swipe away on your iPhone lens. When you’re a parent, your phone goes through a lot of adventures and probably gets a lot of smudges along the way. If your pictures always look a little bit blurry and distorted, use a soft cloth to wipe down your lens. While you can always use your shirt, the best bet is to buy a microfiber cloth and keep it in your diaper bag at all times. You can find one pretty much everywhere over in the glasses and eyewear section. Even if you don’t think your camera is dirty, wipe down the lens anytime you’re about to use it. That will save you from the devastating experience of thinking you just captured the perfect moment only to realize it’s all just a haze. 

Bad Lighting

One of the first things you need to figure out with iPhone photography is lighting. The right setup will transform your image from dull to downright magical. A common amateur mistake is to overcorrect and have too much light. This is actually the worst thing you can do since you can’t really edit the brightness out. Your goal should be to find indirect light. This is why so many photographers prefer the sun at the golden hour. At this time, the sun isn’t directly overhead and can filter more beautifully through your picture. Gorgeous moments, of course, happen no matter the time of day. Try to have the sun behind your subjects so the light can be more evenly diffused.

2 iPhone Photography images of a young boy in Mickey ears and purple shirt with harsh and soft lighting

Out of Focus Photos

In the beginning, it can be common to have pictures that are not quite in focus. Luckily, Apple made this a breeze to correct. Your iPhone camera will usually auto-focus, but you can manually select what you want sharpened. When you are taking a picture, the first thing to do is find your focal point. For most pictures, this will likely be your child. From there, simply click on the part that you want in focus. A yellow square should appear, and the lens should automatically adjust. Then, snap the picture. Your subject should be perfectly sharp, creating a stunning picture. 

Blurry Images

The most common reason why your iPhone photography winds up blurry is because the lighting is dark. In darker settings, your phone’s shutter speed slows down so it can capture as much light as possible. Typically, a longer exposure time can lead to a camera shake, causing a blurry image. A lot of people try to correct this by using flash, but most of the time, the light is terribly unflattering. You need a way to steady your hand while taking low-light pictures, and one of the best is by utilizing accessories. A tripod will allow you to set your phone down and let it take as much time as it needs to capture your image. 

Poor Composition

There are times when you want to quickly snap a picture so you can take in the moment. For those times, it’s fine to pull out your camera, snap, and put it back away. If you want to create a visually compelling picture, however, you want to start focusing on the composition. Your picture is telling a story, and composition plays a big part in this! To fix composition, start with the Rule of Thirds by going to your camera’s settings and turning on the grid. This will create a 3x3 grid on your phone. Use that to line up pictures and get your focal point right where you want them. Experiment with angles and change your perspective by getting closer to the ground. Help your viewer see why you wanted to capture that moment in the first place!

A young boy in a purple shirt stands in a park wearing R2D2 Mickey ears and smiling

Distracting Backgrounds

When your iPhone photography background is overly chaotic, there’s a good chance your viewers are going to be looking everywhere except where you want them to look. So, how are you supposed to find a good backdrop when you’re in the crowd and want to snap that picture of your child looking as cute as can be? You let the camera do the work for you! One of the greatest tools on your phone’s camera is the portrait mode. This blurs the background while bringing in all the rich details of your subject. If your surroundings are a little too busy, slide over to portrait mode, tap on your child’s face, and take the pic. 

Over Editing

Editing can be a pretty powerful tool that helps you with everything from sharpening the image to bringing in more light. The only thing is that it can be easy to overdo it. I have a few guides on editing your pictures on this blog if you need a little help. Just remember, your goal is to improve your picture, not completely transform it. Try to keep things natural. Most editing apps let you tap on the picture and see the original so you can compare it to your current version. That way, you can ensure you haven’t strayed too far away from your vision.

We Hope These iPhone Photography Tips Help You Capture Some Truly Beautiful Family Moments

Your iPhone can take some pretty incredible portraits if you know what you’re doing! With these iPhone photography tips, you can take truly gorgeous pictures you can treasure forever! If you could still use some additional help, however, we would love to connect and see if Momographers is the right program for you.

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